Sunday, 25 September 2011

Mini clip Analysis of Camera - Gossip Girl

So here's a little analysis for the first 52 seconds of the opening pilot to 'Gossip Girl'. I chose this clip because there is a good use of camera in this short scene and was interesting to analyse.
I have not been able to find a link for you, so if possible, please view the opening to 'Pilot' of 'Gossip Girl' season one.This is the analysis to match.

Instantly, we see an establishing shot of the location where the programme is set. We know that we are looking at an overcrowded city...with all the buildings which could really be any city. From this, we can guess it is maybe New York.

Then, to confirm our location, it shoots to a wide shot/ long shot of the statue of liberty, and so we can now tell that it is set in New York. It is a wide shot because it is quite broad
and shows the whole of the statue of liberty as well as some setting in the background which looks like a river. But instead of being shot from the front, it is a side view because maybe you can see more of the setting from this view also because you can probably tell that it is the statue of liberty from any angle as she is still holding the torch high.

Furthermore, we see a montage to view more of the location.

We get long shots wide shots of different areas of New York that the episode will focus on, such as the water fountain
, the park, ‘Bergdorf Goodman’ – which is a famous American designer brand (suggesting that the characters in this programme are quite rich and show they shop at these kinds of designer brands often, which gives a slight clue as to what the characters are like) and finally a wide shot of the ‘Metropolitan Museum of Art’ with the famous ‘Steps of the Met’ to also see. It shows we are getting into a bit of history in this programme and again, that the programme will focus in these main areas of Manhattan.

This is then followed by close ups of the road signs to further prove that we are in Manhattan, New York. -- More establishing shots from high angles - looking down on New York to show it is a big city.
Eventually, we follow more establishing shots of the location different areas before the camera uses a mid shot toshow a train passing by quickly before slowing down to show a close up of a character's face.

Before the close up, the camera uses a swish pan to brush past the train, making it appear slightly blurred until the vision clears up and a slow pan is used to build up to the character's face, who we can tell looks maybe worried or thinking about things as the close up reveals her expression, in which she appears to be staring into space,
in the camera’s direction - on eye level.

After a few seconds, the camera comes out of nowhere and side tracks (tracking shot) the
character we have just seen on the train. This gives us the impression
that is maybe the main character to focus on as the tracking of the camera shows that we are following her life, she is important.

The camera stops tracking and lets the character walk off whilst we have a mid shot on
another character. After a few moments, the camera tracks once again and then we shoot to another wide shot of the blonde character we were first introduced to.

So in this scene, we are using a two shot to focus on two different characters – shooting from one to the other.

At this point, the camera is now at a low angle to look up to the blonde character to represent her high status and importance in this episode. She looks quite superior in this shot and so the audience realise she is the main character.

We then see a camera phone slowly lift up to the main character, and the camera is taking
a close up of the camera phone to view the same image as the actual camera itself would see, if the camera phone was invisible.

In the background, the main character is blurred out so that we only focus on the camera phone as it is important. Straight after, the camera gradually zooms in slowly which produces a blurred image again, but resumes back to its high quality. This time, the camera blurs out the phone to show that the camera is looking at the exact same image as the phone was.This was the intended effect though to zoom back in to the main character to show the focus is all on her.

The camera produces a mid shot of each character before they both exit off screen.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, this is a great start to you research into other media texts - keep up the good work as far as detail and use of appropriate terminology is concerned.

    By now you should have posted the concept and script for your preliminary task to your blog, so you must add these asap.

    2 house points
